Ross Media I/O - Special deals through August

Ross Media I/O - Special deals through August

Wednesday July 26, 2023 11:04

What is Media I/O? 

Media I/O is a highly flexible solution for professional and broadcast quality ingest, playout, and transcode applications. Scaling to the biggest production demands, it supports almost any video format and transport, can run on-premises, virtualized, or in the cloud, and integrates seamlessly into your production workflow – allowing your team to focus on creating compelling content and less about the technical details knowing that it all just works.

Ross Media I/O

Why is Media I/O better?

  • Massively scalable and cost effective
  • Incredibly flexible deployment options
  • Does NOT need Streamline/Primestream MAM
  • Very, very price competitive
  • Future proof - as codecs evolve and standards change, or workflows adapt to support cloud, you can simply swap the underlying hardware or shift to the cloud and bring your software licenses with you.


For more than 50 years Gencom has been delivering premium design, products and solutions to the Media industry. Let us help you plan and deliver your next project.

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+64 9 913 7500

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